
Visual design

Fab Lab Barcelona
Visual designer
  • Marcel Rodriguez

A new industrial revolution that puts citizens at the core of sustainable transformation.

CENTRINNO is a four-year European research project dedicated to transforming historic industrial sites across Europe. The project highlights the potential of these areas to play a pivotal role in a new industrial revolution that centers on citizens and prioritizes sustainable development. By repurposing underutilized historic spaces into hubs for creative production and manufacturing, CENTRINNO aims to create sustainable and inclusive futures for cities and their residents. The project will test and evaluate innovative strategies and solutions for urban regeneration in nine European cities, focusing on neighborhood-level action research. Adopting the principles of a circular economy, CENTRINNO seeks to guide the transformation of historic industrial sites into vibrant, productive, and creative urban hubs.

My involvement in this project has included the creation of various assets, beginning with the branding itself, which was inspired by the silhouettes of the historic buildings and an industrial aesthetic, combined with colorful palettes. I also designed a range of materials, from editorial books and printed documents to interactive cubes for schools, ensuring that the visual identity is both engaging and reflective of the project's goals.